Turn Hours into Minutes, Automation with Top Security, Golden Source for All Users.

Performance Review, Risk Monitoring, Client Reporting, Marketing Pitch, MIS, Regulatory Report and more...

Golden Source

autoPi can help you to centralize your raw data in one single data model as a golden source, allowing all users to work on the same page.

Full Automation

Gone are the days of wasting your time manually generating reports that are subject to human errors. autoPI can help you to automate the entire workflow, starting from data loading, report generation, and integrity checks to report distribution.

Accuracy & Consistency

Automation eliminates the chance of making human errors and ensures accuracy. It also follows a standard operating procedure, keeping consistency in all your reports, leading to time-saving and enhanced efficiency.

Data Visualization

Raw data has little value until visualized. autoPI automatically converts your raw data into instant insights with hundreds of professional-look charts, data summaries and matrix tables that are readily available.

Always Up to Date

All visuals are automatically refreshed every hour using the most up-to-date data in your database to ensure you are always working with the latest information.

Highly Flexible

You can choose to run reports of any fund universes, in any currencies, at any hierarchical levels, for any measurement periods, and as of any ending dates.


User can add your company logo, display your company name, apply your corporate color in all reports and crate custom visual to meet your business needs.

Anytime Anywhere

Riding on the latest cloud-based technology, autoPI can run on any device, be it desktop, laptop, iPad or mobile phone while traveling, walking in the street or working from home.

Friendly User Interface

autoPI is designed to be a one-click application that provides interactive features, many user options, drill-down capabilities, and instantly apply filter changes.

User Self-Service

Portfolio managers used to get the necessary performance analytics from the performance team via email. With autoPI, they can become self-served with a better user experience.

Integrated w Microsoft Office

Power BI is a Microsoft software, fully integrated with Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Teams to work better and achieve more.

Highest Data Security Standard

Power BI has earned the highest security classifications available in the industry, and today many national security agencies and financial institutions entrust it with their most sensitive information (See Security White Paper)

Fast Up & Running

Implementation of other vendor systems normally requires a few months with a huge commitment of your IT and project management resources. Making use of our pre-built infrastructures, we can get our clients up and running in a few days.

Diminishing Pricing Plan

autoPI is a sustainable and scalable solution for performance reporting. The more fund you loaded, the less you pay per fund.

For All-Level Users

Unlike old-fashion vendor systems, autoPI is a revolutionary user application designed for daily usage by all levels of users including management executives.

Professional Design

autoPI contains 10 modules providing insights at all levels ranging from dashboard to individual fund book, each of which is specially designed to provide instant insights to facilitate your BAU for performance review, client reporting, marketing pitch, MIS and regulatory reporting purposes.


Commonly asked questions regarding the product, free trials, pricing, and security.

How is autoPI automatic?

autoPI is a fully automatic performance reporting and insight platform, from data loading to report generation, from data visualization to report generation.

  • automatic data update from data source every hour
  • automatic data integration into the data model
  • automatic refresh of visuals, data summaries, and matrix tables
  • automatic report distribution to all users
  • automatic user interaction and live calculation on the cloud
Can autoPI be customized?

autoPI is designed and built by performance reporting specialists who understand your workflow and needs. autoPI covers all the most common visual types to facilitate BAUs and a pre-built infrastructure. Further customization such as including company logo, changing UI color theme, new calculation formula, new visuals, and report can also be made by request.

Is autoPI a cloud-based service?

autoPI is a cloud-based application built on Microsoft PowerBI and Microsoft Azure. autoPI is accessible to users anywhere anytime across all major devices.

Is there any integration?

autoPI is built with Microsoft PowerBI, and therefore fully integrated with Office 365 applications such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Teams, and Outlook. All visuals and reports can be downloaded, copy and paste, publish and share among these applications.

Is autoPI secure?

autoPI is built on Microsoft PowerBI benefiting from its multilayer and end-to-end security measures, you can read more in here.

Is there a limit to autoPI

Auto PI is designed to conduct performance reporting for hundreds of thousands of funds. Some of our clients are global giants running on a few thousand funds over multiple country offices on a global basis.

Is there a free trial?

We offer a 30-day free trial for new clients. You can load real performance data of your funds into autoPI. All application features will be enabled to provide a “auto and total performance insights” experience.

What is the pricing plan for autoPI?

Our pricing plan is based on the number of funds loaded into autoPI at each quarter end. The charge per fund diminished on a scale, meaning the more fund loaded, the more cost-effective it is. You can see more on our pricing page.

Is there any contract regarding autoPI service?

A 30-day notice is required to unsubscribe from autoPI service.

Is there any setup fee?

Unlike traditional performance system that requires a rigid setup or maintenance, autoPI is a pre-built application that works just like mobile apps with zero setup fee.

Is there any technical support?

You can contact us for technical support on the contact page.

Still have questions?

Please feel free to contact us

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