30 Years of Experiences

In Performance, Attribution, Investment Risk & GIPS, Investment Manager Selection, and Client Reporting

About The Founder

Ernest Leung is the Founder & Principal Consultant of autoPI
30+ years of experience obtained from HSBC, Jardine Fleming, Allianz, Manulife, ING, Wellington, and EastSpring. Was Head of Performance, Attribution, Investment Risk & GIPS, Head of Investment Manager Selection, and Head of Client Reporting.
Believe in the power of process improvement and workflow automation. Enjoy application design and development for performance reporting using the latest cloud-based technology.
First-Class Honors Graduate at University of Leicester. Postgraduate at University of Oxford. Chartered Financial Analyst

About The Founder

In 2022, Ernest launched a fully automated cloud-based data visualisation application, providing a reliable operational and business asset for fund management companies.

With 20+ years of automation systems, access databases, and application development experience as a performance analyst in fund management companies, Ernest turned his expertise in advanced data and cloud collaboration into a SAAS product.

He is introducing a golden source to companies, transforming their operation by significantly relieving in-team or cross-department manual tasks correlated with human errors.

As a result, this cloud-based application makes accurate insights regarding individual, regional, and global performance reviews and trend projections instantly accessible to everyone, from analysts to C-suite leadership.

Ernest is set to revolutionise the fund management industry with this new standard for the digital age.

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